- linguist lin·guist n
- ['lɪŋɡwɪst]
(academic) linguista m/f
I'm no linguist — sono negato per le lingue
to be a good linguist — essere portato per le lingue
he's an excellent linguist — è molto portato per le lingue
English-Italian dictionary. 2013.
I'm no linguist — sono negato per le lingue
to be a good linguist — essere portato per le lingue
he's an excellent linguist — è molto portato per le lingue
English-Italian dictionary. 2013.
lin|guist — «LIHNG gwihst», noun. 1. a person who studies the history and structure of language; expert in languages or linguistics: »The linguist collects and records utterances, and by comparing these one with another abstracts the way or modes of speaking … Useful english dictionary
Linguist — Lin guist (l[i^][ng] gw[i^]st), n. [L. lingua tongue, speech, language: cf. F. linguiste.] 1. A master of the use of language; a talker. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I ll dispute with him; He s a rare linguist. J. Webster. [1913 Webster] 2. A person… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
linguist — lin|guist [ˈlıŋgwıst] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: lingua; LINGUAL] 1.) someone who is good at foreign languages, especially someone who speaks several 2.) someone who studies or teaches linguistics … Dictionary of contemporary English
linguist — lin|guist [ lıŋgwıst ] noun count * 1. ) someone who studies and speaks a lot of languages 2. ) someone who teaches or studies LINGUISTICS … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
linguist — lin·guist … English syllables
linguist — lin•guist [[t]ˈlɪŋ gwɪst[/t]] n. 1) ling. a specialist in linguistics 2) ling. a person who is skilled in several languages; polyglot • Etymology: 1580–90; < L lingu(a) tongue, speech + ist … From formal English to slang